Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Scholarship Scams

Don't be her, she is sad and broke.

Signing up for scholarships can be really easy! There are lots of websites and lots of choices. But not everything is genuine, so keep an eye out. Here is a website that goes in depth on what to look out for when filling out scholarships. I highlighted the most important parts below. Good luck on your scholarship hunt!



Applying for legitimate scholarships does not cost money!
Submitting such applications will cost you time and effort, but should never cost money, no matter how small the amount.


If you ever feel pressured and are observing that it’s a “now or never” scenario, the scholarship is likely a scam.

Personal Information:

 Other than some basic information, a scholarship provider should not ask all applicants for private information, like your social security number.

Some require information from winners, however, if you’re just at the point of starting out in the application and they ask for such information – don’t provide it because it will likely be used for something other than you intended.

The best rule of thumb to follow? If it seems too good to be true, it likely is!